Neck problems may give rise to a variety of other symptoms in the arms, head, jaw and chest. Our Chiropractors are trained to determine the cause, assist in its management and advise on prevention.

Your neck (cervical spine) is made up of seven bones, called vertebrae, seperated by joints allowing movement. Muscles move the neck whilst ligaments provide stability. Being tightly mobile the neck is very susceptible to injury.

The Healthy Neck

…is free from pain, strong, with complete movement in all directions. A forward curve is normal, allowing for shock absorption. This curve may be lost with neck trauma, upsetting the normal postural balance of the area, often leading to pain and abnormal function of the neck, arms, chest, head and jaw.

What Causes Neck Injury

Joints, nerves, muscles, tendons and ligaments of the neck may be damaged as a result of neck trauma from a car accident or sporting injury. Years of stress from poor posture, incorrect work habits or faulty body mechanics contribute to neck injury.

The Effect

Neck injury may lead to nerve irritation, muscle, tendon, ligament and joint damage. Loss of joint mobility is a major cause of nerve irritation (ie. subluxation) and loss of joint nutrition. If left untreated this may give rise to premature degeneration (osteoarthritis).

Irritation to nerves passing from the neck may give rise to:


  • headache
  • neck and shoulder pain
  • pain, numbness or pins and needles of the arm, chest or face
  • jaw pain and dysfunction
  • sinus, eye, ear, throat and respiratory problems
  • loss of balance


Clinical results and research over the past 20 years has supported the effectiveness of chiropractic care in the management of spine related problems. If you have neck related problems then come and see us.

Chiropractic Approach

We will consult with and examine you and may also x-ray your spine to determine the source of the disturbance. Other tests may be performed to rule out other complicating factors such as from the heart or lungs. A program of management will be recommended if it is decided chiropractic care may be of benefit. After initial treatment to resolve your problem we may suggest a suitable level of periodic, ongoing care to assist maintenance of a healthy spine and prevent future problems.

We promote body wellness, encouraging you to keep your body at an optimal level of function constantly so that resistance to stress is kept at its peak. Looking after your neck is just part of this overall practice and philosophy.


To minimise stress on the neck:


  • Posture – stand and sit tall, concentrate on lifting the rib cage, and keep the chin slighlty tucked in. If sitting at a workstation, keep your shoulders relaxed and make sure your head is not continually turned to one side. Use document stands and sloping desk surfaces where appropriate to avoid the stress of constantly looking down. Take regular rest breaks.
  • Sleeping – do not sleep on your stomach, try a contoured pillow which moulds to support the normal shape of the neck and use a supportive mattress.
  • Driving – have regular rest breaks, maintain an upright position with low back and head rest support.
  • Flying – use an inflatable neck support when sleeping; put a cushion behind your lower back.


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